8th IT, All Subject Question Bank

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DBMS PL/SQL Practical List with output of Practical 1,2 &3




1. Create the following Databases.
     SNUM      SNAME               CITY           COMMISSION
     1001      Piyush               London              12 %
     1002      Sejal                  Surat               13 %
     1004      Miti                   London              11 %
     1007      Rajesh               Baroda              15 %  
     1003      Anand               New Delhi           10 %
     SNUM      : A unique number assigned to each salesman.
     SNAME     : The name of salesman.
     CITY      : The location of salesmen.
     COMMISSION: The Salemen's commission on orders.
     CNUM      CNAME               CITY      RATING    SNUM
     2001      Harsh              London      100     1001
     2002      Gita                Rome        200     1003
     2003      Lalit               Surat       200     1002
     2004      Govind              Bombay      300     1002
     2006      Chirag              London      100     1001
     2008      Chinmay             Surat       300     1007
     2007      Pratik              Rome        100     1004

     CNUM   : A unique number assigned to each customer.
     CNAME  : The name of the customer.
     CITY   : The location of the customer.
     RATING : A level of preference indicator given to this customer.
     SNUM   : The number of salesman assigned to this customer.
     ONUM      AMOUNT         ODATE          CNUM      SNUM
     3001       18.69         10/03/97       2008      1007
     3003      767.19         10/03/97       2001      1001
     3002     1900.10         10/03/97       2007      1004
     3005     5160.45         10/03/97       2003      1002
     3006     1098.16         10/03/97       2008      1007
     3009     1713.23         10/04/97       2002      1003
     3007       75.75         10/04/97       2004      1002
     3008     4723.00         10/05/97       2006      1001
     3010     1309.95         10/06/97       2004      1002
     3011     9891.88         10/06/97       2006      1001

     ONUM   : A unique number assigned to each order.  
     AMOUNT : The amount of an order.
     ODATE  : The date of an order.
     CNUM   : The number of customer making the order.
     SNUM   : The number of salesman credited with the sale.

Practical List - 1

Solve the following queries using above databases and where clause range searching and pattern matching.
1.  Produce the order no, amount and date of all orders.
2.  Give  all  the information about all the  customers  with  salesman
    number 1001.
3.  Display the following information in the order of city, sname,  snum
    and commission.
4.  List of rating followed by the name of each customer in Surat.
5.  List of snum of all salesmen with orders in order table without  any
6.  List of all orders for more than Rs. 1000.
7.  List of names and cities of all salesmen in London with  commission
    above 10%.
8.  List all customers excluding those with rating <= 100  unless  they
    are located in Rome.
9.  List all orders for more than Rs.1000 except the orders of snum<1006    
    of 10/03/97.
10. List all orders taken on October 3rd or 4th or 6th, 1997.
11. List all customers whose names begins with a letter 'C'.
12. List all customers whose names begins with letter 'A' to 'G'.
13. List all orders with zero or NULL amount.

Practical List - 2

Solve the following queries using above databases and group by clause.
1. Find out the largest orders of salesman 1002 and 1007.
2. Count all orders of October 3, 1997.
3. Calculate the total amount ordered.
4. Calculate the average amount ordered.
5. Count the no. of salesmen currently having orders.
6. Find the largest order taken by each salesman on each date.
7. Find the largest order taken by each salesman on 10/03/1997.
8. Count the no. of different non NULL cities in the Customer table.
9. Find out each customer's smallest order.
10. Find out the first customer in alphabetical order whose name  begins
    with 'G'.
11. Count the no. of salesmen registering orders for each day.

Practical List - 3

Solve the following queries using above databases and formatted output and order by clause.
1. List all salesmen with their % of commission.
2. Display the no. of orders for each day in the descending order of the
    no. of orders in the following format.
    FOR dd-mon-yy, there are __ Orders.
3. Assume  each salesperson has a 12% commission. Write a query on  the
    order table that will produce the order number, salesman no and  the
    amount of commission for that order.
4. Find the highest rating in each city in the form :
    For the city (city), the highest rating is : (rating)
5. List all in descending order of rating.
6. Calculate the total of orders for each day and place the result  in
    descending order.

Practical List - 4

Solve the following queries using above databases and join.
1. Show the name of all customers with their salesman's name.
2. List all customers and salesmen who shared a same city.
3. List all orders with the names of their customer and salesman.
4. List  all orders by the customers not located in the same  city  as
    their salesman.
5. List  all customers serviced by salespeople with  commission  above
6. Calculate the amount of the salesman commission on each order by  a
    customer with rating above 100.
7. Find  all  pairs  of customers having  the  same  rating  with  out
8. Company policy is to assign each salesperson three customers,one  at
    each of the three ratings. Display all possible combination of  such
    three customers.
9. List  all  customers located in cities  where  salesman  Sejal  has
10. Find  all pairs of customers served by a single salesman  with  the
    salesman's name and no.
11. List all salesmen who are living in the same city with out duplicate   
12. List all pairs of orders by a given customer with customer name.
13. Produce the name and city of all the customers with the same  rating
    as Harsh.
14. Extract all orders of Miti.
15. Extract all orders of Baroda's salesmen.
16. Find all orders of the salesman who services 'Harsh'.
17. List all orders that are greater than the average of October 4,1997.
18. Find the average commission of salesmen in London.

Practical List - 5

Solve the following queries using above databases and join and subquery.
1. Find all orders attributed to salesmen in 'London' using  both  the
    subquery and join methods.
2. List the commission of all salesmen serving customers in 'London'.
3. Find all customers whose cnum is 1000 above than the snum of Sejal.
4. Count the no. of customers with the rating above than the average of
5. List all orders of the customer 'Chirag'.
6. Produce the name and rating of all customers who have above  average
7. Select  the total amount in orders for each salesman for  whom  this
    total is greater than the amount of the largest order in the table.
8. Find all customers with orders on 3rd Oct., 1997  using  correlated
9. List  the  name and number of all salesmen who has  more  than  one
10. Find all orders with amount atleast equal to the average amounts for    
    their customers.
11. Calculate  the total amount ordered on each day  eliminating  those
    days  where  the  total amount was not atleast  Rs.  2000  above  the
    maximum amount of that day.
12. Using correlated subquery, find the name and number of all customers
    with rating equal to maximum for their city.
13. Select  the name and number of all salesmen who have  customers  in
    their cities who they do not service.
14. Find  the  number of all the  salesmen  having  multiple  customers        
    using EXIST.
15. Find the name,number and city of all the salesmen  having  multiple    
    customers using EXIST.
16. Find  the name and number of all the salesmen who  serve  only  one
17. Find all salesmen with more than one current order.
18. Display the customer information if and only if one or more of  the
    customers in are located in 'Surat.
19. Find  all salesmen who have customers with more  than  one  current
20. Find all salesmen who have customers with rating > 300 using  EXIST
    and using join.
21. List all salesmen with coustomers located in their cities  who  are
    not assigned to them.
22. write  a query to extract from the customers table  every  customer
    assigned  to a salesman who currently has atleast one other  customer
    with orders in the order table.
23. Find all salesmen with customers located in their cities  using  ANY
    and IN.
24. Find all salesmen for whom there are customers that follow them  in
    alphabetical order.
25. Find  all  customers having rating greater  than  any  customer  in
26. List all orders that has amount grater than atleat one of the orders
    from 6th October, 1997.
27. Find all orders with amounts smaller than any amount for a  customer
    in 'London'.
28. Find all the customers who have greater rating than every  customer
    in 'Rome'.
29. Select all customers whose rating doesn't match with any rating  of    
    customer of 'Surat'.
30. List all customers whose ratings are equal to or greater than ANY of
31. Find all salesmen who have no customers located in their city  using
    ANY and ALL.
32. List  all orders for amount greater than any for the  customers  in
33. Find all salesmen and customers located in London.
34. Find out which salesman produce largest and smallest orders on  each
35. Find out which salesman produce largest and smallest orders on  each
    date in the order of order number.
36. List  salesman  no,  salesman name,cusotmer  name  &  comission  of
    salesman who have customers in their cities as well as those     who
    don't  have  in  which case the customer name  should  indicate  'NO    

Practical List - 6

Solve the following queries using above databases and table from another table and set operation.
1. Create  a  union of two queries that shows the  names,  cities  and
    ratings of all customers. Those with rating of >= 200 should display
    'HIGH RATING' and those with < 200 should display 'LOW RATING'.
2. Produce the name and number of each salesman and each customer  with
    more than one current order in the alphabetical order of names.
3. Create union of three queries. First select snum of all salesman  in
    Surat,  second, the cnum of all customers in 'Surat' and third,  the
    onum  of all orders of 3rd Oct. Retain duplicates between  the  last
    two  queries  but remove the duplicates between either of  them  and
    the first.
4. Insert  a  row into salesmen table with the values  snum  is  1005,
    salesman name is Rakesh, city is unknown and commission is 14%.
5. Insert  a row in to customer table with values London,  Pratik  and
    2005 for the columns city, name and number.
6. Create another table Londonstaff having same structure as  salesmen
7. Insert  all  the  rows of salesmen table with  city  London  in  to
    Londonstaff table.
8. Create another table Daytotals with two attributes date  and  total
    and insert rows into this table from order table.
9. Create a duplicate of the salesmen table with a name Multicust.  Now
    delete all the rows from the salesmen table.
10. Get back all the rows of salesmen table from its  duplicate  table.

Practical List - 7

Solve the following queries using above databases and delete and update.
1. Remove all orders from customer Chirag from the orders table.
2. set the ratings of all the customers of Piyush to 400.
3. Increase the rating of all customers in Rome by 100.
4. Salesman Sejal has left the company. Assign her customers to Miti.
5. Salesman Miti has resigned. Reassign her number to a  new  salesman
    Gopal whose city is Bombay and commission is 10%.
6. Double the commission of all salesmen of London.
7. Set ratings for all customers in London to NULL.
8. Suppose  we  have  a  table  called  SalesManager  with  the   same
     definition  as Salesmen table. Company decides to  promot  salesmen
     having  total   order more than 5000 to  SalesManager.Fill  up  the
     SalesManager table.
9. Assume that we have a table called smcity. Store the information of     
     all salesmen with the customers in their home cities into smcity.
10. Create  a  table Bonous that contains datewise  maximum  amount  of
     order  for all salesmen.
11. Create a table Mltcust containing the salesmen with more  than  one
12. New  Delhi  office has closed. Remove  all  customers  assigned  to
     salesmen in New Delhi.
13. Delete all salesmen who have at least one customer with a rating of     
     100 from salesmen table.
14. Delete  all salesmen who don't have any customer with a  rating  of    
     100 from salesmen table.
15. Delete the salesmen who produce the lowest order for each day.
16. Delete  the  salesmen who produce the lowest order  for  each  day
     unless he has a commission > 12%.
17. Increase  the  commission  of all salesmen by  2%  who  have  been
     assigned at least two customers.
18. Find the smallest order for each day. Reduce the commission of  all
     salesmen by 2% who produce this order.
19. Delete all customers with no current orders.
20. Double  the rating of all customers having more than  one  current
21. Write a command to find out the orders by date.

Practical List - 8
Solve the following queries using above databases and alter table and table constraints..
1. How the onum field is forced to be an unquie?
2. Create an index to permit each salesman to find out his orders  by
     date quickly.
3. Write a command to enforce that each salesman is to have only  one
     customer of a given rating.
4. Write a command to add the item-name column to the order table.
5. Create a copy of your order table. Drop the original order table.
6. Write  a command to create the order table so that all onum  values     
     as  well  as all combinations of cnum and snum are  different  from     
     one  another  and so that NULL values are excluded  from  the  date     
7. Write  a command to create the salesmen table so that  the  default
     commission is 10% with no NULLs permitted, snum is the primary  key
     and all names contain alphabeticals only.
8. Write a command to create the order table making sure that the onum
     is greater than cnum and cnum is greater than the snum. Allow  NULL
     in any of these fields.
9. Give the commands to create our sample tables ( salesmen, customer,
     orders)  with all the necessary constraints like PRIMARY  KEY,  NOT

Practical List - 9

Solve the following queries using above databases and view.
1. Create a view called Bigorders which stores all orders larger  than
     Rs. 4000.
2. Create a view Ratecount that gives the count of no. of customers at
     each rating.
3. Create  a view that shows all the customers who have  the  highest
4. Create a view that shows all the number of salesmen in each city.
5. Create  a view that shows the average and total  orders  for  each
     salesmen after his name and number.
6. Create a view that shows all the salesmen with multiple customers.
7. Create a view that shows all the salesmen with multiple  customers
     with rating > 200.
8. Create a view to keep track of the total no of customers  ordering,
     no of salesmen taking orders, the no of orders, the average  amount
     ordered, and the total amount ordered for each day.
9. Create  a  view Showname that shows for each order  the  order  no,
     amount, salesman name and the customer name.
10. List all orders of salesman 'Rajesh' using Showname View along with
     his commission.
11. Create  a view Maxsales to store the name and number  of  salesman,
     along with the date, who have the highest order on any given date.
12. Using above view, find out the name and number of salesman who have
     the  highest order atleast two times. Store the result  in  another
13. create a view Same city that shows the no and name and city of  the
     customers along with the city of the salesman serving them.
14. Create a view Commission of salesmen table to include only snum and
     commission  field  so that through this view someone can  enter  or
     change the commission but only to values between 10% and 20%.
15. Assume that the CURDATE is a constant representing  current  date.
     Give  a  command to create orders table with CURDATE as  a  default
16. List all salesmen in London who had atleast one  customer  located
     there as well.
17. List all salesmen in London who didn't have any customer there.
18. Develop an input form in SQL Forms to enter the students marks  in
     order to prepare marksheet of student result.
19. Develop  an  application to maintain payroll of  employees  in  an
     organization. Use SQL Forms for data entry

Practical List – 10

Solve the following using PL/SQL Block , cursors , Procedure , Function ,Trigger

  1. Write a PL/SQL block to display whether the given number is odd or even.  
  2. Write a PL/SQL block to display LJIET 10 times using for loop
  3. Write a PL/SQL block using cursor to update salary of a given programmer by 25%.
  4. Write a PL/SQL block to display addition of all the numbers in the given range
  5. Write a PL/SQL block to display the detail about given employee from EMP table
  6. Write a PL/SQL block to find the salary of a given employee and raise his salary by 20%.
  7. Write a PL/SQL procedure to print the following output.
*   *    *
*   *
  1. Create a cursor emp_cur,fetch record from emp table and check whether sal>10000 then update Grade = ‘A’ else if sal = > 5000 and sal <= 10000 then update Grade = ‘B’
  2. Write a PL/SQL procedure to find the table structure of a given number
  3. Write a function on programmer table to calculate number of female programmer
  4. Write a function on programmer table to return total number of programmers having knowledge of specified language
  5. Write a function on programmer table to return age of specified person.
  6. Write a function on software table to calculate selling cost of all software of a specified person
  7. Write a function on studies table to return course fee of a specified course.
  8. Write a function on studies and programmer table to return number of months required to overcome the course fee he/she has studied
  9. Write a PL/SQL block with cursor ,showing the use of SQL%FOUND attribute
  10. Write a PL/SQL block with cursor ,showing the use of SQL% ROWCOUNT attribute
  11. Write a PL/SQL block with cursor ,showing the use of SQL% ISOPEN attribute
  12. Create trigger on Supplier Detail on update or insert of Sname to convert Sname into capital letter
  13. Create trigger on Supplier Detail on update or insert of Scity to convert first letter of scity into capital letter.

create table salesman_21(snum number(4),sname varchar(25),city varchar(20),comm varchar(10));

create table customer_21(cnum number(4),cname varchar(25),city varchar(20),rating number(4),snum number(4));

create table orders_21(onum number(4),amount float,odate date,cnum number(4),snum number(4));

insert into salesman_21 values(1001,'piyush','london','12%');
insert into salesman_21 values(1002,'sejal','surat','13%');
insert into salesman_21 values(1004,'miti','london','11%');
insert into salesman_21 values(1007,'rajesh','baroda','15%');
insert into salesman_21 values(1003,'anand','new delhi','10%');

insert into customer_21 values(2001,'harsh','london',100,1001);
insert into customer_21 values(2002,'gita','rome',200,1003);
insert into customer_21 values(2003,'lalit','surat',200,1002);
insert into customer_21 values(2004,'govind','bombay',300,1002);
insert into customer_21 values(2006,'chirag','london',100,1001);
insert into customer_21 values(2008,'chinmay','surat',300,1007);
insert into customer_21 values(2007,'pratik','rome',100,1004);

insert into orders_21 values(3001,'18.69','10-mar-97',2008,1007);
insert into orders_21 values(3003,'767.19','10-mar-97',2001,1001);
insert into orders_21 values(3002,'1900.10','10-mar-97',2007,1004);
insert into orders_21 values(3005,'5160.45','10-mar-97',2003,1002);
insert into orders_21 values(3006,'1098.16','10-mar-97',2008,1007);
insert into orders_21 values(3009,'1713.23','10-apr-97',2002,1003);
insert into orders_21 values(3007,'75.75','10-apr-97',2004,1002);
insert into orders_21 values(3008,'4723.00','10-may-97',2006,1001);
insert into orders_21 values(3010,'1309.95','10-jun-97',2004,1002);
insert into orders_21 values(3011,'9891.88','10-jun-97',2006,1001);

Practical 1:

select onum,amount,odate from orders_21;
select * from customer_21 where (snum='1001');
select city,sname,snum,comm from salesman_21;
select cname,rating from customer_21 where(city='surat');
select * from orders_21 where(amount>1000);
select sname,city from salesman_21 where city='london' and comm>'10%';
select * from customer_21 where(rating>100 or city='rome');
select * from orders_21 where(amount>1000 and odate='10-mar-97' and snum>=1006);
select * from orders_21 where odate in('10-mar-97','10-apr-97','6-mar-97');
select * from customer_21 where cname like 'c%';
select * from customer_21 where cname between 'a%' and 'h%';
select * from orders_21 where (amount='0' or amount='');


Practical 2:
select max(amount) from orders_21 where (snum=1002 or snum=1007);
select count(*) from orders_21 where odate='10-mar-97';
select sum(amount) from orders_21;
select avg(amount) from orders_21;
alter table salesman_21 add primary key(snum);
alter table customer_21 add primary key(cnum);
insert into salesman_21(snum) values(1001);
alter table orders_21 add primary key(onum);
alter table orders_21 add foreign key(snum) references salesman_21(snum);
alter table orders_21 add foreign key(cnum) references customer_21(cnum);
alter table customer_21 add foreign key(snum) references salesman_21(snum);
select count(*),city from customer_21 group by city;
select max(amount),snum,odate from orders_21 group by snum,odate;
select max(amount),snum,odate from orders_21 where odate='10-mar-97' group by snum,odate;
select count(*),city from customer_21 where city is not null group by city;
select min(amount),cnum from orders_21 group by cnum;
select cname from customer_21 where cname='g%' group by cname;


Practical 3:

select comm,sname from salesman_21;
select 'for ' ||odate|| ' there are ' ||count(onum)|| ' orders' from orders_21 group by odate;
select onum,snum,(amount*(12/100)) from orders_21;
select 'for the city ' ||city|| ' the highest rating is ' ||max(rating) from customer_21 group by city;
select * from customer_21 order by rating desc;
select sum(amount),odate from orders_21 group by odate order by sum(amount) desc;


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