8th IT, All Subject Question Bank
Workshop Details starting from 4th July 2013(Thursday)
Workshop Details
Dear 7th IT Students,
As all of you know that in 7th-8th Sem, you have one subject that is Project, Which is divided in 7th & 8th Sem.
For that you have to work on innovative and new project ideas which can create good impact on your academic curriculum and industry as well.
So before choosing the Definition for IDP you should be aware about the basic ideas like,
What could be IDP/UDP?
How real time problem should be defined?
What should be the work flow and all
I know that all of you would be in big confusion about all these work. So to help you out
we are arranging workshop/seminar for all of you from tomorrow i.e. 4/07/2013 onwards. The CEOs/Founders of some good IT companies of Ahmedabad are going to come to take seminar and will explain about their ideas and industry needs. They are also going to provide IPDs.
List of the companies...
Day 1
Alak Malak Technologies, Rushik Shah, Founder- CEO
Space-O , Rakesh Patel, Founder- CEO
Day 2
Centramation, Rutvik Dave, Founder- CEO
AllEvents, Ruchit Patel, Founder- CEO
Day 3
Bizmica , Kaushal Bhavsar, Founder- CEO
360Degree Technosoft, Pratik Kanada, Founder- CEO
Day 4
Nations Root - Jwalant Patel, Founder- CEO
CheckDeck.com - Atharva Patel, Founder- CEO
Day 5
NicheTech - Mahendra Sharma, Co- Founder- CEO
AreSun - Yash Shah, Co- Founder- CEO
Day 6
Hmm Biz Solutions - Hardik Manwani, Founder- CEO
Templatic - Bhavesh Radadiya, Co-Founder- CEO
Day 7
Tripzmate/DIgikaksha - Pruthvi Bardolia, Co-Founder- CEO
CityShor.com - Pallav Parikh, Founder- CEO
Day 8
Locanix - Ruchit Surati
Digicorp - Abhishek Desai
So this to inform you all that tomorrow 04/07/2013 in morning 9-11 AM all the students have to present.
All the students have to present compulsory, attendance will be added in 2 weeks attendance.
Venue: Lj MCA.
Please note that its 8 days program but it will be done in 4 days, Thursday to Saturday & will inform you the date for 4th day
For any query call me or mail me...
Along with this mail attaching NOC letter. Kindly make necessary changes.
Thanks & Regards,
Jignesh Vania
Dear 7th IT Students,
As all of you know that in 7th-8th Sem, you have one subject that is Project, Which is divided in 7th & 8th Sem.
For that you have to work on innovative and new project ideas which can create good impact on your academic curriculum and industry as well.
So before choosing the Definition for IDP you should be aware about the basic ideas like,
What could be IDP/UDP?
How real time problem should be defined?
What should be the work flow and all
I know that all of you would be in big confusion about all these work. So to help you out
we are arranging workshop/seminar for all of you from tomorrow i.e. 4/07/2013 onwards. The CEOs/Founders of some good IT companies of Ahmedabad are going to come to take seminar and will explain about their ideas and industry needs. They are also going to provide IPDs.
List of the companies...
Day 1
Alak Malak Technologies, Rushik Shah, Founder- CEO
Space-O , Rakesh Patel, Founder- CEO
Day 2
Centramation, Rutvik Dave, Founder- CEO
AllEvents, Ruchit Patel, Founder- CEO
Day 3
Bizmica , Kaushal Bhavsar, Founder- CEO
360Degree Technosoft, Pratik Kanada, Founder- CEO
Day 4
Nations Root - Jwalant Patel, Founder- CEO
CheckDeck.com - Atharva Patel, Founder- CEO
Day 5
NicheTech - Mahendra Sharma, Co- Founder- CEO
AreSun - Yash Shah, Co- Founder- CEO
Day 6
Hmm Biz Solutions - Hardik Manwani, Founder- CEO
Templatic - Bhavesh Radadiya, Co-Founder- CEO
Day 7
Tripzmate/DIgikaksha - Pruthvi Bardolia, Co-Founder- CEO
CityShor.com - Pallav Parikh, Founder- CEO
Day 8
Locanix - Ruchit Surati
Digicorp - Abhishek Desai
So this to inform you all that tomorrow 04/07/2013 in morning 9-11 AM all the students have to present.
All the students have to present compulsory, attendance will be added in 2 weeks attendance.
Venue: Lj MCA.
Please note that its 8 days program but it will be done in 4 days, Thursday to Saturday & will inform you the date for 4th day
For any query call me or mail me...
Along with this mail attaching NOC letter. Kindly make necessary changes.
Thanks & Regards,
Jignesh Vania
Distributed Database Application and System
File Systems, Database Management, Motivation, Distributed Computing, Distributed Computing & What is distributed, What is a Distributed Database System?, What is not a DDBS?, Centralized DBMS on a Network, Distributed DBMS Environment, Implicit Assumptions, Shared-Memory Architecture, Shared-Disk Architecture, Shared-Nothing Architecture, Applications, Distributed DBMS Promises of DDBS, Transparent Management of Distributed and Replicated data, Transparencies, Distributed Database - User View, Distributed DBMS – Reality, Potentially Improved Performance, Complicating Factors, Problem Areas, Parallelism Requirements, System Expansion, Distributed DBMS Issues, Distributed DBMS Issues, Relationship Between Issues
Overview of Relational DBMS.
Relational database Concepts, normalization, Integrity Rule, Relational data Languages, Relational DBMS
Review of Computer Networks.
Data Communication Concepts, Types of Networks, Protocol Standards, Broadband Networks Wireless Networks, Internet
Distributed DBMS Architecture.
Architecture, ANSI/SPARC Architecture, Standardization, Conceptual Schema Definition, Conceptual Schema Definition, Internal Schema Definition, External View Definition - Example 1, External View Definition - 10 Example 2, DBMS implementation Alternatives, Dimensions of the Problem, Data logical Distributed DBMS Architecture, Data logical Multi-DBMS Architecture, Timesharing Access to a Central Database, Multiple Clients/Single Server , Task Distribution , Advantages of Client-Server Architectures, Problems With Multiple-Client/Single Server, Multiple Clients/Multiple Servers, Server-to-Server, Peer-to-Peer Component Architecture, Components of a Multi-DBMS
Distributed Database Design.
Design Problem, Dimensions of the Problem, Distribution Design, Top-Down Design, Distribution Design Issues, Fragmentation, Fragmentation Alternatives – Horizontal, Fragmentation Alternatives – Vertical Degree of Fragmentation, Correctness of Fragmentation, Allocation Alternatives, Allocation Model
Semantic Data Control.
View management, Views in centralized DBMSs, update through views, Views in DDBMS, Data Security, centralized Authorization Control, Distributed Authorization Control, Semantic Integrity Control, Centralized and Distributed Semantic Integrity Control
Overview of Query Processing.
Query Processing, Query Processing Components , Selecting Alternatives, What is the Problem?, Cost of Alternatives, Query Optimization Objectives, Complexity of Relational Operations, Query Optimization Issues , Types of Optimizers, Query Optimization Issues Optimization Granularity, Query Optimization Issues Ã’ Optimization Timing, Query Optimization Issues ,Statistics, Query Optimization Issues, Query Optimization Issues Network Topology, Distributed Query Processing Methodology, Step Query Decomposition, Normalization, Analysis, Analysis Example, Analysis Simplification Example, Restructuring, Transformation Rules, Example : Equivalent Query, Provides Parallelism, Query Decomposition and Data Localization. , Optimization of Distributed Queries. , Introduction to Transaction Management. , Distributed Concurrency Control. , Distributed DBMS Reliability. , Parallel Database Systems. , Distributed Object Database Management Systems. , Database Interoperability
Text Books:
1. Principles of Distributed database systems, By M. tamer Ozsu, Petrick Valduriez,
2. Distributed Database Systems By Chhanda Ray, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1. Distributed Databases:Principles and Systems, Stefano Ceri, McGrawHill
File Systems, Database Management, Motivation, Distributed Computing, Distributed Computing & What is distributed, What is a Distributed Database System?, What is not a DDBS?, Centralized DBMS on a Network, Distributed DBMS Environment, Implicit Assumptions, Shared-Memory Architecture, Shared-Disk Architecture, Shared-Nothing Architecture, Applications, Distributed DBMS Promises of DDBS, Transparent Management of Distributed and Replicated data, Transparencies, Distributed Database - User View, Distributed DBMS – Reality, Potentially Improved Performance, Complicating Factors, Problem Areas, Parallelism Requirements, System Expansion, Distributed DBMS Issues, Distributed DBMS Issues, Relationship Between Issues
Overview of Relational DBMS.
Relational database Concepts, normalization, Integrity Rule, Relational data Languages, Relational DBMS
Review of Computer Networks.
Data Communication Concepts, Types of Networks, Protocol Standards, Broadband Networks Wireless Networks, Internet
Distributed DBMS Architecture.
Architecture, ANSI/SPARC Architecture, Standardization, Conceptual Schema Definition, Conceptual Schema Definition, Internal Schema Definition, External View Definition - Example 1, External View Definition - 10 Example 2, DBMS implementation Alternatives, Dimensions of the Problem, Data logical Distributed DBMS Architecture, Data logical Multi-DBMS Architecture, Timesharing Access to a Central Database, Multiple Clients/Single Server , Task Distribution , Advantages of Client-Server Architectures, Problems With Multiple-Client/Single Server, Multiple Clients/Multiple Servers, Server-to-Server, Peer-to-Peer Component Architecture, Components of a Multi-DBMS
Distributed Database Design.
Design Problem, Dimensions of the Problem, Distribution Design, Top-Down Design, Distribution Design Issues, Fragmentation, Fragmentation Alternatives – Horizontal, Fragmentation Alternatives – Vertical Degree of Fragmentation, Correctness of Fragmentation, Allocation Alternatives, Allocation Model
Semantic Data Control.
View management, Views in centralized DBMSs, update through views, Views in DDBMS, Data Security, centralized Authorization Control, Distributed Authorization Control, Semantic Integrity Control, Centralized and Distributed Semantic Integrity Control
Overview of Query Processing.
Query Processing, Query Processing Components , Selecting Alternatives, What is the Problem?, Cost of Alternatives, Query Optimization Objectives, Complexity of Relational Operations, Query Optimization Issues , Types of Optimizers, Query Optimization Issues Optimization Granularity, Query Optimization Issues Ã’ Optimization Timing, Query Optimization Issues ,Statistics, Query Optimization Issues, Query Optimization Issues Network Topology, Distributed Query Processing Methodology, Step Query Decomposition, Normalization, Analysis, Analysis Example, Analysis Simplification Example, Restructuring, Transformation Rules, Example : Equivalent Query, Provides Parallelism, Query Decomposition and Data Localization. , Optimization of Distributed Queries. , Introduction to Transaction Management. , Distributed Concurrency Control. , Distributed DBMS Reliability. , Parallel Database Systems. , Distributed Object Database Management Systems. , Database Interoperability
Text Books:
1. Principles of Distributed database systems, By M. tamer Ozsu, Petrick Valduriez,
2. Distributed Database Systems By Chhanda Ray, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1. Distributed Databases:Principles and Systems, Stefano Ceri, McGrawHill
Advance Java Technology (170703)
Teaching Hours: 3
Practical Hours 2
Credits 5
1) Introduction To Swing, MVC Architecture, Applets, Applications and Pluggable Look and Feel, Basic swing components : Text Fields, Buttons, Toggle Buttons, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons
2) Java database Programming, java.sql Package, JDBC driver types, java beans
3) Network Programming With java.net Package, Client Programs And Server Programs, Content And Protocol Handlers
4) RMI architecture, RMI registry, Writing distributed application with RMI, Naming services, Naming And Directory Services, Overview of JNDI, Object serialization and Internationalization
5) J2EE architecture, Enterprise application concepts, n-tier application concepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, web application, Web containers and Application servers
6) Server side programming with Java Servlet, HTTP and Servlet, Servlet API, life cycle, configuration and context, Request and Response objects, Session handling and event handling, Introduction to filters with writing simple filter application
7) JSP architecture, JSP page life cycle, JSP elements, Expression Language, Tag Extensions, Tag Extension API, Tag handlers, JSP Fragments, Tag Files, JSTL, Core Tag library, overview of XML Tag library, SQL Tag library and Functions Tag library
8) Introduction to Hibernate, Hibernate Architecture, O/R Mapping in Hibernate
Practical Hours 2
Credits 5
1) Introduction To Swing, MVC Architecture, Applets, Applications and Pluggable Look and Feel, Basic swing components : Text Fields, Buttons, Toggle Buttons, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons
2) Java database Programming, java.sql Package, JDBC driver types, java beans
3) Network Programming With java.net Package, Client Programs And Server Programs, Content And Protocol Handlers
4) RMI architecture, RMI registry, Writing distributed application with RMI, Naming services, Naming And Directory Services, Overview of JNDI, Object serialization and Internationalization
5) J2EE architecture, Enterprise application concepts, n-tier application concepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, web application, Web containers and Application servers
6) Server side programming with Java Servlet, HTTP and Servlet, Servlet API, life cycle, configuration and context, Request and Response objects, Session handling and event handling, Introduction to filters with writing simple filter application
7) JSP architecture, JSP page life cycle, JSP elements, Expression Language, Tag Extensions, Tag Extension API, Tag handlers, JSP Fragments, Tag Files, JSTL, Core Tag library, overview of XML Tag library, SQL Tag library and Functions Tag library
8) Introduction to Hibernate, Hibernate Architecture, O/R Mapping in Hibernate
Data warehousing and Data Mining (171601)
PPT of Chapter I
Teaching Hours: 3
Practical Hours 2
Credits 5
Introduction to Data Warehousing
Why reporting and Analyzing data, Raw data to valuable information-Lifecycle of Data - What is data warehousing - The building Blocks: Defining Features - Data warehouses and data marts - Overview of the components - Metadata in the data warehouse - Need for data warehousing - Basic elements of data warehousing - trends in data warehousing.
Introduction to Data Mining
Motivation for Data Mining - Data Mining: On What kind of Data? -Definition and Functionalities: What kind of patterns can be mined? - Classification of DM Systems – Integration of a Data Mining system with a Database or a Data Warehouse - Issues in DM – KDD Process
Data Preprocessing and Data Mining Primitives
Why Preprocess the Data? – Data Cleaning – Data Integration and Transformation – Data Reduction – Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation – Data Mining Primitives: What Defines a Data Mining Task?
Concept Description and Association Rule Mining
What is concept description? - Data Generalization and summarization-based characterization - Attribute relevance - class comparisons Association Rule Mining: Market basket analysis - basic concepts - Finding frequent item sets: Apriori algorithm - generating rules – Improved Apriori algorithm – Incremental ARM – Associative Classification – Rule Mining
Classification and Clustering
What is classification and prediction? – Issues regarding Classification and prediction: Classification methods: Decision tree, Bayesian Classification, Rule based, CART, Neural Network, CBR, Rough set Approach, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms – Prediction methods: Linear and non linear regression, Logistic Regression – What is Cluster Analysis? – Types of Data in Cluster Analysis – A Categorization of Major Clustering Methods, Types of Clustering Algorithms
Advance Topics of Data Mining and its Applications
Mining Time-Series and Sequence Data – Mining Text Databases – Mining the World Wide Web – Data Mining Application
Mobile Computing
Mobile Computing
Theory Hours:3 Practical Hours:2
Mobile Computing Introduction
History of Wireless Communications, Types, propagation modes Wireless network architecture, Applications, Security, Concerns and Standards, Benefits, Future. Evolution of mobile computing, What mobile users need, SOC and AOC client, Mobile computing OS, Architecture for mobile computing, Three tier architecture, design considerations for mobile computing, mobile computing through internet, making existing applications Mobile-Enabled.
Mobile Technologies
Bluetooth, Radio frequency identification(Rfid),Wireless Broadband, Mobile IP: Introduction, Advertisement, Registration, TCP connections, two level addressing, abstract mobility management model, performance issue, routing in mobile host, Adhoc networks, Mobile transport layer: Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Time out freezing, Selective retransmission, transaction oriented TCP. ,IPv6 Global system for mobile communication, Global system for mobile communication, GSM architecture, GSM entities, call routing in GSM,PLMN interface, GSM addresses and identifiers, network aspects in GSM,GSM frequency allocation, authentication and security, Short message services, Mobile computing over SMS,SMS, value added services through SMS, accessing the SMS bearer
General packet radio service(GPRS)
GPRS and packet data network, GPRS network architecture, GPRS network operation, data services in GPRS, Applications of GPRS, Billing and charging in GPRS
Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) WAP,MMS,GPRS application CDMA and 3G
Spread-spectrum Technology, CDMA versus GSM, Wireless data, third generation networks, applications in 3G Wireless LAN, Wireless LAN advantages,IEEE802.11 standards ,Wireless LAN architecture, Mobility in Wireless LAN, Deploying Wireless LAN, Deploying Wireless LAN, Mobile ad hoc networks and sensor networks, wireless LAN security, WiFi v/s 3G Voice over Internet protocol and convergence, Voice over IP,H.323 framework for voice over IP,SIP, comparison between H.323 ad SIP, Real time protocols, convergence technologies, call routing, call routing, voice over IP applications, IMS, Mobile VoIP, Security issues in mobile Information security, security techniques and algorithms, security framework for mobile environment
Operational Research(OR)
For OR Practical Guys download this files change your name, enrollment no. & take the print out..
OR Notes of CPM, PERT & Simulation
Guys i guess you won't understand if you haven't attended the lecture, still try if u can than its too good. , There will be numerical + theory from these topics for sure of 20 + marks.

WTP Practical/Submission Details
Here is the practical list for wtp....Create webpage using HTML to display message “Hello World”
Create hyperlinks using html script and Jump to another part of a document (on the same page)
Create text fields, password field Using style sheet in HTML
Display XML Data In An HTML Table using this table
Student name Student enrollment number
Create Java Script For Display “Hello” Message Using Function With An Argument.
Create Java Script For Display “Hello” Message Using Function Call.
Create Java Script To Display Date And Time In Web Page using css.
Combining HTML, CSS and Java script and create web page.
Create PHP Script On Server Side Using Arrays, Function And Forms.
get the print out for submission......
Points to be strictly followed...
1) write full aim of practical in index.
2) page no must be properly given....
3) on each page must have header and footer.
in header: your enrollment no (right most corner) and sem-6th IT (left most corner)
footer: page no.
get this things ready from your
side.....i Will inform the date of submission....
It Will be before your Internal Exam.
Jignesh Vania
Computer Graphics Data
CG Practical List [Click here to download the list]
Computer Graphics Reference Book 2ed Hearn Baker [Click here to download the ebook]
Result Section
MSE-II Results
Click here for WTP result
5th Sem result Analysis Click here for details
MSE-I Result
Click here for Computer Graphics(CG) result
Click here for Information Security(IS) result
Click here for WTP Result
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