4th CE/ITAssignment 1,2,3,4
Quest1 : What do you mean by object orientation? briefly explain its characteristics ?
Quest2 : What is abstract class ? Can concrete class be a super class. If yes give example if no give reason
Quest3 : Categories the following relationship into generalization, association & aggregation
- a) Country has capital city
- b) File contains record
- c) A drawing object with text geometrical object or group
- d) Modems & Keyboard are input, output device
- e) A file is an ordinary file or directory file
Ques4 : What is operation overriding, discuss the reason of overriding.
Quest1 : What is event? Explain signal change & time event ?
Quest2 : What is the purpose of 1 short state diagram ?
Quest3 : Explain the importance of Fork & join with example?
Quest4 : Explain nested state with appropriate diagram ?
Quest1: What is the use of include & extend relationship in use case diagram?
Quest2: Draw use case diagram for online admission process for Engineering students in Gujarat ?
Quest3: Define active model? Explain need of it?
Quest4: Draw a sequence diagram for issuing a book & renewing a book in online library Management system?
Quest1: What do you mean by software development life cycle? What are the phases of it? Which phase require maximum efforts. Also explain file domain analysis that is domain class model, domain state model & domain intersection model is important?(Ans: Pg-170 of Pearson)
Quest2: Briefly describe the steps forecasting a domain class model ?(Ans: Pg-183 of Pearson)
Quest3: Explain Redundant Class, Irrelevant class, Vague classes in domain class model?()Ans: Pg-185 of Pearson)
Quest4: Describe the question for elaborating a system concept?(Ans: Pg-174 of Pearson)
Quest5: Consider ATM Network elaborate the following high level question and explain your answer?
1. Who is the app for?(Ans: Pg-175 of Pearson)
2. What are the two of the largest risk?
3. where will it be used?
Sub:- OOAD
Practical 1/2/3
4th CE/IT
Do all the three practicals on the file pages & the below diagrams are to be attached in the file, Xerox of the diagrams is available in the stationary of college.